Imagine you post something on your personal account and find out later on that someone else posted the exact same content without giving you credit for it. How bad would that feel?
Cite your sources or embed them! Here are 5 good reasons why you would want to do that!
Giving credit to other users’ content is extremely important not only out of courtesy, no! But because when you post others’ content under your name, you automatically claim the ownership of the content.
I fell for this trap a lot, but then I started to make sure to give credit where credit is due in all my posts. It is not easy to find the original authors, I must admit, since finding the first person who posted the content is sometimes mission impossible online. You can simply mention the source where you found the content, no need for more, or simply use source: unknown.
If it was a photo, it would normally be signed, make sure not to crop then signature. Below are some good examples: